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Event Planning



Without a well-thought-out plan for event planning, you risk disorganization, chaos, and not meeting goals of the event. Following a formula for your event planning business or one-time event will guarantee success.

Stage 1 – Research and Goal Setting

Depending on the type of event you are planning, you may need to conduct some research before you get started. Some event planning companies will skip this crucial step and it can mean disaster for the success of the event.

During the research process you should interview the person or team that is responsible for hosting the event. Find out exactly what their goals are – raising money, training, networking with other professionals, sharing new ideas, etc.

Stage 2 – Design the Event

The event design phase includes the master plan for your event. You’ll start with finding a venue that accommodates the theme of the event, the number of guests, and the purpose of the event. You can work with venue staff throughout the planning process to enhance communication and make sure things run smoothly.

Once you have a location for your event, you can start build a team of people to help you with the remaining design tasks.

Stage 3 – Brand the Event

A successful event with clear goals and objectives should be easy to brand. You know what the host of the event wants and what guests are expecting. Use your research and your design to brand the event.

But wait! You’ll also need to find a way to show how your event is unique and why it’s worth attending. You can use promotional materials to bolster the brand and get people talking about your event.

Stage 4 – Coordination and Day-Of Planning

Your planning is coming together well and you are ready for stage 4 – coordination and day of planning! Coordination refers to finalizing plans with each of your team members and the event staff or volunteers.

Everyone involved with the event should know what is expected of them and how important their role is to event success. You’ll need to coordinate the different components of the days event and give the schedule to each team member and your representative at the venue.

Stage 5 – Evaluate the Event

You’ve made it to the last step of your event planning checklists – the evaluation.

Not all event planners or event planning companies use a formal evaluation. The evaluation stage is useful if you are relatively new to planning or you want to collect positive feedback to build your reputation as a planner.


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