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Artist Management



Behind every successful artist is a talented and hard working manager. Artist management in the music industry is an incredibly hard and fast paced job that is perfect for someone that loves music and wants to play a significant role in shaping an artist’s career.

What Is an Artist Manager?

An artist manager is the professional representative and advisor for a musician or band. Managers help build an artist’s career and get their client’s music in the hands of producers and label executives, as well as negotiating contracts and setting up tours

What Are the Duties of an Artist Manager?

A good manager has to wear a lot of hats in handling the business and professional development of their clients. They have a wide array of responsibilities including:

Negotiating contracts: Music industry contracts are incredibly complicated. A large part of artist management is advising a client on business decisions and negotiating on their behalf. Because managers have a financial stake in the success of their client, it’s in their interest to negotiate hard for the best possible deals. A good manager has strong interpersonal skills and negotiating acumen.

Marketing and image: The success of an artist depends a lot on good marketing and branding. A manager can help craft a musician’s public image with an eye towards current trends in music and pop culture.



Touring: Managers work with an artist’s record label and booking agent in putting together their client’s touring schedules. Tours have a lot of moving parts and require strong logistical and planning skills. Managers work to get their clients booked in good venues and markets and follow through to make sure that tours run smoothly.

Artist development: Managers help to nurture an artist creatively. Music managers often have contacts in the industry with music producers or other artists who can collaborate with their clients and help them grow as artists. Managers often talk with their clients on a daily basis and help guide them through a variety of musical and business decisions.

Promotion: An artist’s success is contingent on good promotion. A manager works hard to promote their clients music and get them featured on music websites and publications that can help spread their reach.


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